Tuesday, September 10, 2013

INSPIRATION: Bringing Technology to the Classroom

Using Inspiration was fun and definitely a learning experience. Inspiration is pretty user friendly. I was a little lost in the beginning mainly because I was new to the program, but I caught on quickly. I really like how easy it was to connect the bubbles to each other. On Inspiration 9, when you were adding a bubble you had the option to choose which direction it went. I liked that feature because I did not have to do much work rearranging and positioning the bubbles. I also liked that you had the option to snap to grid or just put the bubbles wherever. I think that feature helps people have the option to be more organized if they needed to.  I found it very helpful that it was very easy to add hyperlinks and text notes.
I think that this assignment coincides with NETS-T number 2 very well. I think that young students could use Inspiration to design a concept map that would help them study or remember whatever the topic is while using the computer at the same time. This assignment also follows NETS-T number one as far as allowing the children to be creative and inspires them to be inventive.
             I really enjoyed the concept map assignment. It allowed me as a student to be creative and work with technology. I feel like this assignment or even just Inspiration could be easily added to my elementary classroom. Kids love having the freedom to get on a computer and maneuver around. If I could offer this program for them to work on, I feel they would learn while being creative and on the computer all in one.  I think there are several subjects that this program could be added to and become very useful.

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