Wednesday, September 25, 2013


    The movie assignment was a little challenging for me. I have a Mac and I could not download the Windows Movie Maker so I decided to just work with iPhoto. I was not too upset about having to use iMovie because I am really not familiar with either. However, I was very confused. I looked at a few tutorials and I think I have it figured out. I just wish I had been able to do mine in the same program as everyone else. I would have felt more comfortable with it. With that being said, although iMovie was confusing, it was fun to work with. The easiest part for me was adding the pictures. The hard part for me was trying to add a title page and credits. For some reason every time I did it, I could not get it to save. I eventually figured it out but it just took some time.
            I can see how this could be a fun and beneficial tool in the classroom. I do feel like it would be geared more toward high school students. I think it would be good for specifically a computer class. I think younger students would like the idea of making their own movie but I think it would be harder for them to do. I may be underestimating young students of the 21st Century, but I just feel like this would be an assignment for high school students.

            I think this assignment meets the NETS-T Standard #1. This assignment truly inspires learning about a computer program and creativity. Students would be required to choose a topic just as I did and create their own movie with their own creative spin on it.

***Here is the video I created!*** 

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